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Teacher Rachel in front of a corkboard and alphabet
Students creating a collage of drawings

K-12 Theatre


I base my teaching philosophy in respect for the students’ individual intelligences, and try to act more as a guide and sounding board for ideas than as a top-down instructor. I adapt my lesson plans according to student interest while still adhering to Illinois Arts and Social/Emotional Learning standards. I aim to cultivate a classroom of care and respect by having the students create their own brave and safe space rules. 


As a teaching artist for Beverly Arts Center, I have taught theatrical skills to 2nd and 3rd graders through the retellings of fairytales as well as ensemble-building and improv skills to 3rd through 8th graders. Previously, I was a teaching artist apprentice for Northlight Theatre’s Speak Up! program,  helping high school students devise performance pieces that addressed social issues of their choice. I have also completed aesthetic education workshops through Steppenwolf and Northlight, and incorporate this training into my lessons by utilizing hands-on inquiry, questioning, and art-making to generate content and learn the material. 

Sample Lesson Plans

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